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3-Minute Mornings

The key to a better, greater day is just three minutes away.

Can you imagine changing the course of your day in only three minutes? Scripture promises that His mercies are new every morning. When you wake up, or before you leave the house, take three minutes to declare God's favor and freedom over your life. We encourage you to get a second copy of 3-Minute Mornings to bless a friend or family member.

You Are Blessed

A Transfer Is Coming

Today's Word: MAY 17, 2024

When God delivered the Israelites out of slavery, Egypt had more wealth and affluence than any other country. As the Israelites were leaving Egypt, they didn’t leave empty-handed. A transfer took place. The Egyptians had oppressed them for years, forced them to work without pay and in unfair conditions. While their oppressors lived in nice homes with whatever they needed, the Israelites had suffered lack, not having enough. But the time came when God said, “I’m going to take from those who are not using their resources for the right purposes and transfer them into the hands of My people.” The Israelites went into the desert loaded down with the wealth from their oppressors.  God knows how to transfer resources, influence, and abundance. You may be in a situation that looks as though you’re stuck, you’re at a disadvantage, you’re not being treated right. My encouragement is to stay in peace. Keep doing the right thing. A transfer is coming. God knows how to make it up to you. He has good breaks that will suddenly shift things in your favor.



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